Uncork the Court

A friend of mine is having a neighborhood soiree and asked if I could design a little postcard to pass out to their neighbors to invite them to the event.

It is meant to be a block party where they get to meet their neighbors and have a glass of wine together. I loved the title they came up with for the event and sketched up a few ideas of how to incorporate the image of a bottle and a cul-de-sac. My solution was fairly literal in the end, with the crosswalks at the top of the street setting up the final outline of the top of the wine bottle. I added some houses, driveways, trees and a dog and swingset, too. I was a little reluctant to add actual people though, mostly because I liked the limited palette and feared I’d want to add more with the detail of people, and also that it’s printing rather small, so that detail would have been lost anyway. I do worry a little that it looks like an abandoned neighborhood though. Perhaps I’ll do a follow up piece showing how all the neighbors came together and fill it up with all of them having a good time outside together.

I’ve also been ramping up the brightness in the colors I use in my illustrations lately. A gradual shift has been in the works for years now. I remember my illustration teacher in college, Lynn Pauley giving us our first lesson about color palettes and saying that it’s pretty clear that your illustration palette matches your wardrobe. True to point, my clothes have been evolving from the earth tones and deep cranberry reds that I used to wear to more brilliant options like teal, salmon and cadmium red. I’m not ready for neon just yet though.

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