Day in the life of Edith

Pandemic hit, and I had a 1 year old to take care of all day every day. It was a shock to the system, of course, though in hindsight, we really had it much easier than most. Both with not being essential workers and Edith not being old enough to know what was going on. So I tried to give us some kind of routine, and over the course of the 3-4 months she was home full time I attempted to document it. Of course, with a child that young, the routine shifted little by little, so what I had noted in the first week isn’t how we did things in the 4th month (dropped naps, etc), but this felt like a decent glimpse into what our lives were at the time.

I was also new to drawing on the iPad and was still trying to find my style. This is decidedly sketchier than I think I prefer to work now, but I still like to work with the muted and limited palettes, so it’s nice to see some continuity there.

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